Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Belly up to the "Bar"...

Bar Exam Article

Stephen Dunne is a moron and doesn't deserve to be an attorney, which is probably why he actually failed the "Bar" exam in the first place. If you read the article above, you'll understand what I'm talking about.

I guess if he doesn't agree with abortion and the Bar Association was to ask him a question about the abortion issue he could then cry "foul" about that as well because it could also be infringing on his "religious rights." What a joke! Thank goodness he failed!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Looks like someone's got the right idea...

Smoking Article

My apologies to all of the smokers out there, but smoking causes a laundry list of problems. And when you smoke around me, I'm being exposed to those problems too.

Save your money and your health...STOP SMOKING! You'll thank me later.