Monday, February 25, 2008

Will Nader ever take a hint?

You would think after 4 previously failed attempts at the presidency that Ralph Nader would take a hint that maybe he's not going to be elected President after a 5th run...I'm not a psychic, so that's just a guess.

Here's an article about his latest "awe inspiring" comments regarding the democratic party.

Nader Article

P.S. Doesn't he look like the uncle your family doesn't talk about? I think he's a bit scary looking.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Real "Yada Yada Yada..."

I found this article about common and annoying phrases that are used in the workplace. The first one in particular always makes my blood boil for some reason. There are those I work with who like to use that phrase a lot in addition to "dangling participle." When I hear that one, I think I turn 3 shades of red because of how much I don't like hearing it. There are a bunch that they list that I have never heard of. Some people come up with the strangest things. Take a look at this article if you're bored.

Workplace Article