Sunday, December 30, 2007

Follow-up to: "What's the deal?"

I can't believe it...well I actually can kind of believe it. I ran into the same woman who pissed me off the other day. Earlier in the evening, I was riding the T with a friend and wouldn't you know it, she appeared out of no where at one of the Green Line stations! I decided to be courteous (unlike her) and not make a scene and went about my business, obviously she could care less about what's going on around her. I have to say that things like this happen to me more often than not...I don't know why, it's very strange. I just wish people would be a little more courteous and respectful to one another, is that too much to ask?

Thursday, December 27, 2007

What's the deal?

I was so angry earlier today while I was out running some errands. I was buying a birthday card for a friend at a local CVS. First of all, I hate going into this particular CVS...actually I really don't like going into any CVS. Every CVS that I have been in is always so congested and crammed with so much crap that you can't just get in and out. Anyway, surprisingly enough, I found a nice card pretty quickly and went to pay for it at the registers. I usually try to use the automated, self-checkout registers because people usually don't use them and I can make a quick getaway without dealing with the wonderful and helpful clerks (which is a whole different rant for another time), however, today they were both closed. So I got in line behind another customer and waited my turn to pay. As I was waiting, a woman moves in front and next to me off to the left. Now I'm usually pretty courteous and I assumed that she was just going to ask one of the clerks a question...but oh no! This woman got right in front of me and paid for her items...she didn't say anything to me! At that point I was fuming! So I moved over to another line and waited my turn again. As I was waiting, she turns and starts toward me and looks me straight in the eye and says NOTHING! So I say to her..."thanks for getting in front of me in line!" And she just stares at me...she doesn't even say "I'm sorry," "excuse me," or "oh, I didn't see you there," absolutely nothing! What's wrong with people? Now I know that this is not an "Earth shattering" ordeal, but why are some people so inconsiderate and basically stupid? It makes me so mad! Sorry, I just had to vent about this story...because it happens all of the time and I'm so sick of it. Thanks for listening to my rant today...I feel a little better.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Follow-up to: "A day late and a dollar short..."

What a shock...the mother of Britney Spears has put her parenting book on hold for a little while (actually, it's on hold "indefinitely"). I guess I can't blame her seeing now that she will have to care for not 2, but 3 babies all thanks to her exceptional parenting. Way to go Lynne Spears, you are truly the model parent!

Parenting Book Article

Monday, December 3, 2007

'Tis the season...

If you're having difficulty, like me, finding "holiday" gifts (I'm trying to be PC), here is an interesting list of gift options. Ever thought of adopting a sheep for a family? I'm sure that would make someone's holiday very special. Enjoy!

Gift Ideas Article

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Here today, gone tomorrow...

I just found this new device on I think paper is about to go the way of the dinosaur just like VHS and cassette tapes...


Friday, October 26, 2007

A day late and a dollar short...

I found this article today regarding Britney Spears' mother writing a book about parenting...what a joke! With the way her daughter turned out and is still "evolving," what the heck does she know about parenting? It would be like Lindsay Lohan writing a book about how to successfully kick an addiction...go figure!

Spears Article

Sunday, October 21, 2007

The ER Crisis...

I think this article just says it all...

No Beds Article

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Who woulda thunk it?

That seemingly vestigial organ, the appendix, actually has a purpose...and a good purpose at that. It is now believed by some in the medical community that the appendix creates and stores good bacteria that ultimately supports the gut. Sounds pretty good to me. See the article below for more info.

Appendix Article

Friday, September 21, 2007

Brave new world...

I thought this article was a bit strange and scary at the same time, take a look...

ER Kiosk Article

I might be replaced by a machine sometime in the near future...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

"Can you hear me now...Good!"

With the exponential increase in cell phone use, studies are now finding more and more problems that are appearing and in this case with medical equipment. I had heard in the past about a few studies regarding certain types of ventilators that would turn off and even short circuit if a cell phone was in use in its vicinity. Take a look at this article, it's quite interesting.

Cell Phone Article

Friday, August 3, 2007

My kind of woman...

Paramedic-Cellist Article

...only because she is a cellist and went into healthcare and even though she didn't become a nurse like me, she became a paramedic which is still great! Check out the article above.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Belly up to the "Bar"...

Bar Exam Article

Stephen Dunne is a moron and doesn't deserve to be an attorney, which is probably why he actually failed the "Bar" exam in the first place. If you read the article above, you'll understand what I'm talking about.

I guess if he doesn't agree with abortion and the Bar Association was to ask him a question about the abortion issue he could then cry "foul" about that as well because it could also be infringing on his "religious rights." What a joke! Thank goodness he failed!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Looks like someone's got the right idea...

Smoking Article

My apologies to all of the smokers out there, but smoking causes a laundry list of problems. And when you smoke around me, I'm being exposed to those problems too.

Save your money and your health...STOP SMOKING! You'll thank me later.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

"Welcome back..." (to the tune of "Welcome Back, Kotter")

The Bald Eagle is making a is no longer on the Endangered Species list. Way to go Bald Eagle, we always knew you could do it!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Jailbird, free at last!

Well I think I'm going to jump on the news bandwagon and talk about the stupid Paris Hilton story. What a crock of s#@&! I still can't believe all of the bologna and that she only had to serve a total of 23 days in jail! Any other member of society would have served more time. And then...while in jail, reflecting on her experience (insert the sound of me gagging), she proclaims the following: "I have had a lot of time to reflect and have already learned a bitter but important lesson from this experience." What a crock! How much did you learn Paris? Well apparently not too much. Right before she was released, she made sure to put on her "Sunday finest" and primp herself with makeup and all to greet the thousand reporters awaiting her exit from jail. Then she makes her appearance, grinning from ear to ear, greeting all of the reporters and cameras for a quick photo-op, followed by speeding away to her mansion. Wow, Paris, you really learned something from your's good to be a celebrity and have money and fame and maybe I should hire a chauffeur to cart me around so I don't run into trouble again. I can't wait for her next reality show "The Simple Life 6: Probation Paris, the sequel." I guess you can tell by my rant that this has really irritated me. With all that is happening in the world, this made headline news today around the clock.

Anyhow, that's all for now. Tune in next time for more of my ranting and raving!


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