Monday, March 10, 2008


Why is it that Florida seems to always have a problem with elections? If you haven't already heard, the Democratic National Committee does not want to seat the delegates of Florida and Michigan since the leadership of both states decided to move-up the primary dates, which was a huge "no no." So now both the "Obamas" and the "Clintons" are crying "foul" since one side may have an advantage in the delegate counts due to the outcome of this situation. With all of the squabbling amongst the 2 democratic candidates and the political pundits, the real losers in this "dog and pony show" are as usual...the voters! The election process in this country is so ridiculous. See the article below about this problem and what the planned solution might be...millions of mailed ballots. If that is what the solution ends up being, then I have a feeling that the "chad" issue will look like a picnic compared to this potential catastrophe. Stay tuned, this outta be good!

Mail-in Article

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